Friday 10 April 2015

Bunny Reviews! || Song of the Sea

Why hello there, everyone! I apologise for suddenly disappearing. [I had very good reasons, trust me.] But now I'm back and with a movie review!

This is my first time to seriously review a movie and I must admit I'm quite nervous about it.

Alright! Let's get started!

WARNING: This blog post may contain spoilers.
[S T O R Y]

Alright, let's go do a quick summary. The story basically revolves around these two kids, Ben and his little sister Saoirse, who live with their dad close to the sea. After being taken away by the grandmum to live in the city, the two discover that some fairy tales and stories are real. They are then thrust into a whole new world that's filled with a bunch of challenges, adventure, and lessons to be kept for life.

here, have a trailer. 

The story involved a bunch of Celtic myths and legends (some of which I grew up hearing from my granddad) The writers had managed to smoothly incorporate the myths, allowing them to leave an impression on the viewer all while making sure that these did not overpower the actual story. It involved a lot of moments that go straight for your feelings, evoking all these emotions and perhaps even making you cry. (I know I cried within the first 20 minutes of the film. This movie also contained, as mentioned earlier, a lot of life lessons that I'm pretty sure can be applied in real life, especially to those who have siblings be it a younger or an older one.
[C H A R A C T E R S]
The characters were all brilliantly portrayed and written, each having their very own story to tell, from the rather grumpy and stern grandmother to the ever loyal Cu (the dog).

This is one of those movies where you can't really seem to bring yourself to hate or dislike a character, all of them being lovable in their very own ways. Despite the seemingly ill intentions of the main antagonist, you will find yourself warming up to them in the end pretty much wishing that everyone just ends up happy and content and that none of these precious babies have to hurt anymore. (At this point, dear readers, you can easily tell that I have become emotionally attached to the characters..)

I'd like to focus on Saoirse who, despite not having any speaking lines for about 90% of the film, makes a great impact and actually proves herself to be a very strong character (even at the tender age of 6.) Goes on to show that big things may sometimes come in tiny packages!

[M U S I C]
Oh dear God, YES! I was so excited to get to this part of the review since as I type, dear readers, the Soundtrack for Song of the Sea is playing on repeat.

The film had a good amount of music, staying true to it's Celtic roots. It managed to successfully set the mood of the scene, adding to the emotion of it. It also had a whimsical feeling to it, perfect for a film based on fairy tales and fantasy.

The movie's 'main song' (which I will link over here, for the English version
and here, for the Irish version) has given me a serious case of Last Song Syndrome but I'm not even mad! It's calm and sweet and helps in portraying the soothing and gentle nature of the main characters' mother, Bronagh.

Long story short, Song of the Sea has an amazing soundtrack and is definitely one of the things that makes the movie great!

[A R T]

Admittedly another part of the review that I was so excited to get to!

I could, quite honestly, post more pictures than this, filling up the rest of this review with just screenshots I happily took while watching the movie again, but let's keep it at 5 pictures.

The art used in this film was simple, not too much details unlike other animated films but despite that, it added to the appeal of the film and actually worked wonderfully for it too! The character designs weren't complicated but were distinct enough that you'd be able to tell who a character was just by their silhouette.

I loved that they took into consideration the genes of the parents when designing Ben and Saoirse! Ben looks like his father, but had the nose of his mother (as shown on the last picture where you can see that Conor has a hooked nose as compared to Bronagh's more slender and pointed one.) Both kids also had the more rounded face of their mother as compared to their father's more angular features. A lot of times, characters in animated films suffer from a thing called "same-face syndrome" but Song of the Sea managed to make each character uniquely different while keeping in mind the connections between them.

Another thing that is absolutely beautiful about the art is that there was a clear difference between what is a memory and what is the present. As seen on the 2nd and 4th pictures that I posted above, there is a rather sketchy and soft feel to the art whereas the 1st, 3rd, and 5th are more smooth. Just from that alone, the viewer will be able to tell if a scene is taking place in the past and the present! Normally, flashbacks or memories tend to just have a different colour, usually sepia or black and white so I'm definitely pleased that they didn't go with that for this film.

Last thing I want to talk about in regards to the art of Song of the Sea: the backgrounds I'm an artist too, and I will say that drawing backgrounds is not a walking in the park. It's tedious and tiring, sometimes making you wish you didn't have to draw them at all. Which is why I am completely floored at how lovely the backgrounds of the film look! The amount of details they put into the work is amazing and, to be honest, it's the kind of piece that makes me sigh and wish I was there to see it in real life. The colours they used for each background and piece helped with setting the mood as well, and the pieces are pretty much just very soothing to look at. (perfect example would be the 4th picture which comes from the opening credits bit of the film.)

Great art for a great film!

[A N I M A T I O N]

As a future animator I feel that it is of utmost importance that I comment on the animation of the film, especially since after all the lessons I've had in school, I can spot if something is off beat or choppy.

The animation of the film was pretty much flawless, save for the last part of the film wherein the Shee were headed home, the floating was a little choppy but aside from that everything was perfect!

As a huge fan of Disney animator Glen Keane, I tend to focus on the animation of the hair of the characters (as it's something I'm having difficulty with) and I will say this now, Song of the Sea did not disappoint. There were a number of scenes where the wind just blew against the hair of the characters and it was so smooth and hypnotising, making me wish my hair looked like that when the wind was blowing it aside from the huge mess it normally is.

[S U M M A R Y]

All in all, I will say that Song of the Sea is an amazing film and is definitely something that deserves to be called timeless! I'm happy to say that it was nominated for an Oscar and although it did not win, definitely deserved it.
To all of you who haven't watched the film I urge you to do so, in that way you'll be able to see just why I am so in love with the film. It may not exactly be something you'll like right away, but who knows, it might just change your mind!

Until next time~


Tuesday 2 December 2014

Soulmates and LDRs

Have you ever been in a long distance relationship of any sort? Be it one with a friend, or one with a lover? If yes then you pretty much know how tedious and difficult these can get, if no then.. let me give you a little peek at what it's like to be in one.

I'm not entirely sure what to feel about it, but I've been in an LDR before; several, to be honest. 2 out of how many of those failed and left me all bitter and belting out to Taylor Swift's best break up songs, from internally weeping to "Story of Us", to pumping my fist up in the air and practically screaming out the "weeeee" bit from "We are Never Ever Getting Back Together" [oh I know you know which bit I'm talking about.] I mean, sure these people were miles away from me, but that doesn't mean that losing them hurts any less, no? Thank the gods of Olympus though that I have an LDR that's going strong and, really, it's as if this person never left my side in the first place!

This entry isn't meant to scare you or perhaps turn you off when it comes to an LDR, since.. y'know.. sometimes it works. People are going to be so pessimistic about it telling you it's better to look for a different lover, someone who's in the same town as you, or perhaps they're going to tell you that it'd be wise to start detaching yourself from a certain friend since the distance is "obviously" going to tear you two apart, and make you practically strangers. But, listen to me and trust me when I say this, have faith my friend. I'm writing this down simply to share my experience with LDRs and, perhaps, a good few tips to help make it work.

[* * *]

Okay, where to start? Perhaps it's best I tell you the story of my LDR first, to introduce you to my soulmate and the other half of this relationship.


So, this girl has been my best friend for 11 years now.. we met in 3rd grade, during a girl scout club meeting. When I met this girl, I hadn't expected that we'd click as much we do now, I didn't think I'd be so devastated when I found out that she'd be migrating to the U.S. that one rather cold December morning back in 2007, and I definitely didn't expect to cry and cling on to her for dear life when we saw each other for the last time, and in McDonald's of all places. But, alas, I was wrong and definitely heartbroken, how in heaven's name was I supposed to survive high school without my Ultibro?! 

Ultibro, or as I'm more used to calling her, Q [yes, friends, just the letter] and I had a lot of adjusting to do. Suddenly there was a 12 hour time difference and I barely caught her online on YiM [remember when Yahoo! Messenger was a thing?] I barely knew how to use Skype then, and even when I did, the webcam refused to cooperate with me and we'd settle for reading, trying very much not to tear up when we realised we were reading the messages in the others' voice. Then there was even more adjusting to do what with how heavy the requirements for school were becoming, giving us close to no time for each other. At one point, we actually stopped talking to each other.. just the occasional e-mail of the usual "Hi"s and "How are you"s and I was scared that everyone was right and that the distance was tearing us apart.

Then came the fateful day just a little after I got in to college that I decided, I was going to send her an e-mail with more than just his and hellos, that I was going to make it so much better and would make reading it worth her time. I scavenged for a bunch of pictures from the past 4 years and put them all together, attaching them to an e-mail and telling her of new friends and what's been happening here. I looked at the e-mail, proud with how much farther I'd gone but wasn't really satisfied, something was missing.. so, I upped and borrowed a microphone and decided to record a message.. I think it was a good 20 minutes long, I don't even remember anymore! But, even after that, I still wasn't satisfied.. so I recorded her a song, pouring out the rest of my feelings into a cover of Ed Sheeran's Lego House. It was that e-mail that apparently helped push us to make time for each other, no matter how busy.. we were going to try. The loser decided to call me on Skype, and by this time I was much more familiar with the program, asking me first if it was okay. I got excited and instantly said yes, I mean.. I hadn't heard her voice in forever so a chance like that wouldn't be something I'd just pass up on.

As soon as she said hi, telling me she got my e-mail, I broke down and cried. Now this was definitely unexpected, but I guess it happens when you terribly miss someone you love a lot. It was nice, hearing her voice again, and we talked for hours and hours and hours! By the time we ended the call, my voice was hoarse from all the laughing and talking, it felt great.

After that, things got so much easier for us! We'd Skype practically everyday, if not a voice call then we'd chat to our heart's content. We'd video chat and she toured me around her house once and I scolded her for how dirty her room was, it was as if she was back here with me. What I found amazing was the fact that, despite that long period of silence, once we started talking to each other again, we picked up from where we left off our relationship stronger than ever.

Fast forward to the present, we talk every day now via Line [that app is great, shameless advertising, go get it] and voice/video calls are a norm for us now. After she heard of my plans of moving to Canada once I graduate college, we ended up making a "To-Do" list for once we're in the same continent.

I'm proud to say that it worked, better than I expected, going from friends to best friends, to soulmates, our combined efforts made it work so I'm pretty damn sure that if it could work for me, it could work for anyone if they just put a little more effort into it!

[* * *]

So, I've got a few tips that just might help in making a long distance relationship work, and these are as follows.

They say that communication is important to keep a healthy and good relationship, I can't help but agree! We live in the age where everything is within our reach thanks to technology and how much it's advanced, especially in terms of communication! I mean, come on.. from Dial-up to Wi-Fi how cool is that?! Don't have public WiFi where you live? Then there's the alternative of mobile data! We're connected practically 24/7 and that makes communication so much easier.

Take some time off to talk to them! Tell them about your day or ask them about theirs, try to make the distance seem as if it didn't exist. If there's a huge time difference then set a date! Plan it in advance and make it easier to create and clear schedules as needed! Who knows, it just might give you something to look forward to~

Another thing about this is that you need to trust them. Despite communication, long distance relationships will test you both! Make sure not to let paranoia get the best of you, and just in case it does, communicate! Tell them about it, ask if you can talk and let them know! More often than not, you'll feel much much better afterwards.
2.) Do things together!

Sounds kind of difficult especially since you've got either a cellphone screen or a monitor separating you two, but it can be done! Why not set a movie night or movie day where you both just stay on Skype call [either video or voice, it's up to you] and watch movies together? Make sure you start and end at the same time so it feels and seems as if they're just right beside you. Not much of a movie junkie? That's perfectly fine! There are so many other things to do! For example, Q and I create stories together, throw concepts at each other and collaborate to make one big story! If not that, we play games together [as we're both into games, both console and online games]. With how mobile everything is now you could probably even take them with you on a trip out of town! [Q was supposed to bring me with her to school once... the bus never came though so we ended up playing video games instead.] There are a whole lot of activities I'm sure you can do together, you just gotta look~

3.) Involvement!

Try your best to be involved with their life, be as supportive as you can be despite the distance. They've got a huge exam or interview coming up? Message them! Tell them what you feel, and try to calm their nerves. They suddenly find themselves wound up in the hospital or they're sick? Wish them well! If you live in the same country but, say, different states try to see if visiting them is possible.. if not, then I'm sure a video message or a call would do wonders for their day!

But, please take note! You've got to respect their privacy too.. for example there's an aspect of their life they'd rather not drag you into or that they're not too comfortable sharing, don't force them to. Give them a little bit of time, and if they suddenly feel like sharing then accept it with an open mind!

[* * *]

I'm gonna be honest with you guys.. I was hoping to reach 5 on that tip count but apparently I'm content with just those 3, and I feel like those are the most important things!

So I hope you didn't get bored, and if you've read this far I'm extremely grateful! Thanks lots and I hope you have a nice day~

so this is Matty, signing off for now u v u <3


Monday 1 December 2014

Meet the Blogger!

Why, hello there! My name is Matty [it's short for a terribly long name, really.] A 20 year old Latina taking up animation in college. [I'm proud to say I've reached my 3rd year, GO ME!]

I enjoy art in all it's forms, definitely having a bias for the performing arts as I was surrounded by this growing up. [My abuela is obsessed with Opera and theater.]To be honest, I'm in to a lot of things and have the tendency to join a lot of fandoms, multi-fandom if you will. My fandoms get me talking for hours and, sometimes, my friends have a difficult time keeping up [or getting me to shut up, really] but all is well in the end~

I like reading, drawing, photography, and deffiiinitely traveling! My parents [mum, dad, and step-dad] are all jet setters so traveling is pretty much a thing in my family. Learning new things and discovering new places just gives me so much hype that my mum usually has to calm me down when the plane is about to take off or the ship is about to leave port. [aaah so sorry mum!]

Let's see... what else is interesting? OH! I've got a bunch of dogs who, although give me headaches a lot of times, I love to bits! 

this little guy's name is Harry James [yes, after Harry Potter, friends.. I'm pretty much obsessed with the HP series] and he's a Shih Tzu-Poodle mix! He's about 3 years old now and is my baby boy~

Whereas this precious darling is my Sofia Arabella! She's a Chow Chow and is a good 9 months old! She's definitely bigger than that now [as I took that photo when she was just 2 months] and when she stands on her hind legs, she reaches my waist! [and I'm about 5'4"] She looks lazy in this picture but trust me when I say that this little girl is a furry rocket!

Aside from these cuties, I definitely want a cat.. not just any cat though but a ragdoll cat! May the gods of Olympus have mercy on my soul those kitties are gorgeous! I can't have one now since my mum's allergic to the dander, but she promised she'd get me one as a graduation gift and when I move out. [HUZZAH!]

Well, all those aside, I've been meaning to start a blog for the longest time now but never really got arsed to do it, especially since I wasn't so sure what to put in it or what even to blog about, but after reading and going through my friend Tamara's blog [shameless plug guys, go check her blog out! Pretty neat stuff in there, all things geek!], I told myself.. hey.. why not, right? I have a lot of thoughts that go through my head, musings and little things I get curious about and, being the frustrated writer that I am, feel tonnes better once I've written them all down. [am I the only one who feels this way or...?] Unfortunately though, I don't always have the most organised thoughts [despite having a miiild case of OCD.. okay... maybe not that mild..] and things just get jumbled up sometimes so I guess I'd like to take this time to apologise in advance for any disorganised thoughts, or if I stray from what I was originally planning to talk about or say, organised chaos to put bluntly.

Okay! To end this [as I feel as if this has gotten much longer than I expected] I guess I'd like to formally welcome you all to my blog, and if ever you come by don't ever be afraid to talk to me via comments! I don't bite~

So this is Matty, signing off for now! I hope you all have a nice day~ <3